Uniform of Alexander II, Tsar of Russia

This uniform belonging to Alexander II Nikolaivich (1818-1881) Tsar of Russia, was probably given to Pietro Canonica by the royal family of Russia, after he had been commissioned to create a commemorative monument dedicated to the Tsar. Nicholas II Romanov, Tsar of Russia had commissioned the work from the sculptor (1912-14). The monument was never installed in St Petersburg and was destroyed in 1917 during the Bolshevik revolution. Two studies for it are conserved in the Museo Pietro Canonica (Room II).
On display in the glazed wardrobe.
Masterpieces of the hall
The hall
The Room of the fireplace is so called because of its monumental fireplace in volcanic stone, created in 1581, which comes from Vetralla (in the region around Viterbo where the artist had a villa).