Dante nelle sculture di Pietro Canonica

Dante nelle sculture di Pietro Canonica
18/11/2021 - 30/04/2022
Museo Pietro Canonica a Villa Borghese

For the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri's death, the Museum is presenting the exhibition Dante in Pietro Canonica's sculptures to explore the relationship between the sculptor and the great poet. Extended to April 30, 2022

Among the sculptures on display are L'Abisso (1909) which, according to scholars, depicts the ill-fated love of Paolo and Francesca, narrated in Canto V of the Inferno and La Veglia dell'Anima (1920), a theme found in Canto XVIII of the Purgatorio.
Among the works that most explicitly pay homage to Dante is a plaster cast of Beatrice (1910), a cast of the original in marble and bronze that archival sources indicate is in the Peterhof Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.

The itinerary covers Room III, Room VII and the Fireplace Room, on the ground floor of the Museum, with a layout that uses didactic and multimedia devices to allow visitors to explore certain themes and immerse themselves in an evocative and emotional context, thanks also to the reading of some verses taken from Dante's works.  

Pietro Canonica (Moncalieri, TO 1869 - Rome 1959), refined portrait painter of the most important aristocratic families and the main European courts, loved reading Dante, he openly declares it in his memoirs but above all it can be found in some of his sculptures. A clear relationship where the homage to the poet is direct, but also a trace to be sought, to be highlighted where Canonica is inspired by Dante's poetic world. These works, identified within the Museum's permanent collection, were supplemented on the occasion of the exhibition by the rich photographic and documentary material usually kept in the historical archive. The investigation revealed signs and clues that help us understand the importance of Dante for the imagination of the Piedmontese sculptor and his creative world: which verses and which iconography Canonica dealt with, which themes he selected and which symbols he chose to give substance to his "idea" of Dante. From the study and juxtaposition of the materials came new and interesting interpretations of Pietro Canonica's works.


Museo Pietro Canonica a Villa Borghese
Opening hours

From 18 November 2021 to 27 February 2022 EXTENDED TO APRIL 30, 2022
Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 16.00.
24 and 31 December from 10.00 to 14.00
Last entrance always half an hour before closing time
Closed on Mondays, 25 December and 1 January

ALWAYS CONSULT the NOTICES PAGE before planning your museum visit

Entrance ticket



Phone 060608 every day from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm
Promoted by Roma Culture, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Curated by Carla Scicchitano with Anna Gigante and Fabiola Polsinelli
Exhibition design by Paola Marzoli

Exhibition|Modern Art


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