Online museum

Special appointments to explore the history and heritage of our museums through the web. These videos are accompanied by audio and image material to explain the museum and the masterpieces contained inside.



Podcast of the Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali.

I'll tell you about a museum: Museo Pietro Canonica


A project organised by the Museo Pietro Canonica to introduce us to the artist and the epic story of his life. From his training in Torino at the end of the 19th century to his travels around the world to paint portraits of the world's powerful. From Buckingham Palace to the Tsar's palace in St Petersburg, from Paris salons to castles in Germany, from Ataturk's Turkey to Egypt and as far as mysterious and distant Iraq, the figure of Pietro Canonica is told through the reading of selected passages from Pietro Canonica's Memories. The project is organised by Carla Scicchitano. To find out more about Pietro Canonica's life you can read his biography.

L'infanzia a Torino

La scoperta dell'arte

In Accademia a 11 anni

Amori e Gelosie

A Parigi!

Il matrimonio. Dolce vita in collina

L'Estate che morì il Re

Belle Époque

La vita nei castelli

I capricci della regina

Prigioniero a Buckingham Palace

Il gran ballo a corte

Alla corte dello Zar

A messa con lo Zar

Faccia a faccia con Mussolini

In Turchia con Kemal Ataturk

Nel deserto dell'Iraq