Canonica throughout the world
Pietro Canonica’s patrons were the aristocratic families and the courts of all europe, the heads of state of many of the countries of the world, the Ecclesiastical Authorities and many of the cities of Italy, which felt the need, after the “Great War”, to commemorate the fallen with monuments recording the sacrifice they had made. It is for this reason that Canonica’s works are scattered across the world, in Russia, Britain, Holland, Turkey, Iraq, the Vatican, Colombia and Argentina.

- Grand Duchess M. Paulovna Vladimiro of Russia - 1909 (St Petersburg,
the Museum Acc.of Fine Arts)
- Nicolaus II Tsar of Russia; Alexandra Feodorovna – 1910 (St Petersburg – Paulovsk Museum)
- General Count Alexander Scherementeff – 1911 (St Petersburg – Hermitage Museu)
- Beatrice - 1910 (St Petersburg, Russian Museum)
- Monument to Nicolaus Nicolajevich – 1913 (formerly in Leningrad / destroyed)
- Princess Victoria of Inghilterra – 1903 (London, Buckingham Palace)
- Arthur James Cavedish Bentik, Duke of Portland; Winifred Anna Dallas Yorks, Duchess of Portland - 1903- 04 (Nottingham Worcksop, Welbeck Woodhouse)
- Edward VII, King of’Inghilterra; Alexandra, Queen; Princess Victoria – 1903-04 (Londra –Vestibule of the entrance to Osborne House (Isle of Wight)
- Dreams also known as May, 1900 (Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum)
- Monument to Kemal Ataturk, 1927 (Ankara , Victory Square)
- Monument to Kemal Ataturk, 1932 (Smirne, Turkey)
- Monument to Faysal I King of Iraq, 1932-33 (previously in Ankara /destroyed)
- Monument to Emir Abdul Muhssin al Sadun, 1932 (Bagdad, Sadun Road)
- Monument to Feysal I King of Iraq
- Monument to San Giovanni Bosco, 1935 (Vatican State, St Peter’s Basilica)
- Funerary Monument of Benedict XV, 1928, marble and bronze (Rome, St Peter’s Basilica)
- Arcivescovo Manuel Y Caycedo, 1953 (Medellin, Colombia)
- Dõna Juana Ranger de Cuellar, 1954 (Cùcuta, Colombia)
- Statua di Simon Bolivar, 1954 (Cùcuta, Colombia)
- Ettore Modiano, 1956 (Cùcuta, Colombia)
- Funerary Monument of Josè Figueroa Alcorta, 1935 (Buenos Ayres, Cementery)