Profumi d'Oriente

“Profumi d’Oriente” exhibition is the second part of a cycle, started on 2015, it is organized by Museo Pietro Canonica staff. The exhibition has the aim to give value to the sculptor’s collection inside the Museum.Precious objects are exposed in this outfitting, they are coming from different Middle and Far East areas and they were collected from the artist during his life.Ancient Persian dishes, Turkish jugs, containers to hold water to wash hands (acquamanili)and the Golden dagger of King Faisal I are presented through a virtual tour through three rooms on the ground floor.Also a lot of photos are exposed to document the relation between Canonica and the East; this pictures were taken during his long trips and his monuments openings.
Dal 4 dicembre all'8 gennaio 2017
Dalle ore 10.00 alle 16.00
La biglietteria chiude mezz'ora prima
Giorni di chiusura lunedì, 25 dicembre, 1° gennaio, 1° maggio
Ingresso gratuito.
060608 (tutti i giorni 9.00 - 21.00)
Roma Capitale
Assessorato alla Crescita culturale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali
Zetema Progetto Cultura